Welcome to the 3 Villages Flood Group
If you would like to get involved then please come and support us at the Village Hall, meeting dates of which will be posted here.

Flooding in Mudford Parish – appeal for action and volunteers:
2023/24 has seen increased flooding throughout the Parish of Mudford-Main St has been flooded and West Mudford Road impassable at times.

West Mudford has been particularly affected with residents “cut off” on several occasions. West Mudford Rd has seen cars stuck in the flood waters in potentially life threatening situations. Emergency services have been called out to rescue people.. On the Thursday before the Easter weekend five fire engines were involved in an incident and with great effort and skill rescued  people stuck in vehicles.

Given Climate Change and the fact that Somerset County Council is facing a major budget deficit it seems that more and more communities are seeking local solutions via their Parish Councils.

At a recent Parish Council meeting flooding was discussed at length and a suggestion made that a joint action group was formed between the PC and local residents. This group has now been formed and is called ‘The 3 Villages Flood Group’ the 3 Villages are Mudford, Ashington & Chilton Cantelo.

The overall aim of the group is to raise awareness of risk and where possible undertake various actions to lessen flooding threat to individuals, homes, properties and businesses.

There are now 10 committee members comprised of local residence. The group is formed as a not-for-profit organisation. Tasks of which form part of the below:

• Map the drainage systems in the Parish with particular emphasis on gullies, drains and ditches.

• Seek hydrographical expertise and advice where appropriate.

• Feedback and consult with Highways and Environment Agency

• Develop a local flooding strategy

• Access funding locally to ensure this happens

• Purchase appropriate equipment to support the strategy

• Recruit a group of volunteers to support this strategy

• Train all volunteers

• Develop an active proactive volunteer base headed up by the Flood Warden